

When certain events are triggered, Alpha Anywhere provides a number of default warning and error messages to go along with the event. For example, if you have a list control with a detail view that has an 'Reset' button that you click after making an edit, you will get a warning message. The Customization section of the Detail View is where you can alter the CSS and text of these various messages to your liking.

CSS - Deleted record row indicator

Defines the indicator shown for a record in the List that has been deleted.

CSS - Dirty row indicator

Defines the indicator shown for a record in the List that has been modified.

CSS - New record row indicator

Defines the indicator shown for a record in the List that has been added.

Set indicator on edited rows

When a row in the List is edited, marked as deleted, or added, the row's appearance is changed (by applying a CSS class, which you can customize) to indicate that the row has been edited. If you uncheck this property, then edited rows will not be indicated.

Warning - Detail View has client-side validation errors'

The 'hasClientSideValidationErrors' event fires when the user tries to save Detail View edits back to the List and one or more controls in the Detail View has a client-side validation error.

Warning - confirm Detail View form reset

This warning appears when a Detail View has a Reset button. The Reset button can be added to the detail view through the Defined Controls menu on the UX Controls page. It is one of the checkboxes listed under the "List-Detail View-Buttons" option. To make the warning appear in Live Preview, first make an edit to a field in the detail view, then click the 'Reset', i.e. undo, button. The warning will appear

Warning - confirm Row delete

This warning appears only when a Detail View has a Delete button. The Delete button can be added to the detail view through the Defined Controls menu on the UX Controls page. It is one of the checkboxes listed under the "List-Detail View-Buttons" option. To make the warning appear in Live Preview, try highlighting a row in the list control and click 'Delete', The warning will appear

Write conflict message

Specify the message to show if there is a write conflict error when you submit edits from the list to the server.

Write conflict resolution - Use 'mine' for all message

When resolving write conflict errors this is the text for the menu item that allows you to select your value for all fields that have write conflicts. This as opposed to resolving conflicts one field at a time.

Write conflict resolution - Use 'mine' message

When resolving write conflict errors this is the text for the menu item that allows you to select your value. You can use the {myvalue} placeholder in the text. You can use language and text dictionary tags in the text.

Write conflict resolution - Use 'theirs' message

When resolving write conflict errors this is the text for the menu item that allows you to select their value. You can use the {theirvalue} placeholder in the text. You can use language and text dictionary tags in the text.

Write conflict resolution - Use 'theirs' for all message

When resolving write conflict errors this is the text for the menu item that allows you to select their value for all fields that have write conflicts. This as opposed to resolving conflicts one field at a time.

Warnings like this one can be customized